STEM Program Reaches National Network of Providers | Community Involvement | Corning

STEM program reaches national network of providers

STEM program reaches national network of providers

The national network ofSTEM Learning Ecosystemshas accepted theGreater Southern Tier (GST) STEM Learning Networkinto their fourth cohort.

Dr. Mark Vaughn, manager for technical talent pipelining and lead for S&T’s Office of STEM, said that induction into the STEM Ecosystem offers access to a national network of providers, resources, and data, which are utilized for best practice and information sharing. “It is a great way to see what people around the country are doing, and have an opportunity to spend time with those who are developing innovative approaches to STEM education and workforce development.”

The GST STEM Learning Network is a regional initiative focused on increasing attention, interest, and understanding of the embedded importance of science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) to life-long learning and success. The program works to create a regional STEM pipeline for the development of college and career ready students that are rich in STEM and 21stCentury skills.

The Learning Network is a collaboration between Corning Incorporated, GST BOCES, Alfred University, Corning Community College (CCC), Syracuse University, and the Wings of Eagles Discovery Center.

STEM Learning Ecosystems unite regional STEM programs, break down silos, and coordinate efforts across the United States and globally. By providing technical assistance and managing national events, the Ecosystems establish a National Community of Practice with expert coaching and support from leaders such as superintendents, scientists, and STEM advocates in industry and academia.

“Corning was a founding member of the program that would ultimately become the GST STEM Learning Network,” said Mark. “Entrance into the STEM Ecosystem plays into our long-term goals and enables collective learning and the sharing of best practices. This type of communication and collaboration leads to systemic improvements in the delivery of education across the country.”

“The national imperative for improved STEM education must gain momentum to offset a growing concern about the strength of the STEM pipeline and the likelihood that it can provide enough STEM-trained graduates to satisfy the demands of an increasingly technical workforce,” said David Morse, executive vice president and chief technology officer. “Recruitment, retention, and education completion endeavors of organizations like GST STEM Learning Network, are the essential catalysts to advance STEM education outcomes in the U.S.”

Included in Corning’s participation with the GST STEM Learning Network are initiatives such as college internships, high school summer experiences within research and development, key partnerships with universities, and the Technician Pipeline Program. “To date, the technician pipeline program has created 37 new jobs in technical roles internal to Corning; 57% of those new hires are women and underrepresented minorities from communities of color,” said Mark.

“The GST STEM Learning Network is already a highly effective collaboration that is reducing student achievement gaps and increasing the number of STEM-capable high school students in our region,” said David.

For more information on Corning’s role in advancing STEM education,click here.
