Glass Tubing for Ampoules | Pharmaceutical Tubing | Corning

A Reliable Choice for Prefilled Syringe Systems

A Reliable Choice for Syringe Systems

A prefilled syringe is an advanced pharmaceutical primary package with the capability of storage and delivery of parenteral medications in one device. A glass prefilled syringe is a one-piece system with a glass cone, flange, and barrel made from borosilicate glass tubing. A medication is filled in the syringe at a pharmaceutical filling operation and is ready to be administered directly to the patient from the “prefilled” syringe device. Glass Prefilled Syringes are covered in ISO 11040-4.

康宁® 51 Tubing serves as a dependable raw material for prefilled glass syringe systems, offering precision and consistency. Syringes require exact internal dimensions and Corning has the measurement systems in place to produce tubing with internal diameter tolerances as controlled to +/- 0.05mm. Corning® 51 tubing for prefilled syringes has been qualified by leading manufactures in numerous ISO standard sizes. A Certificate of Conformance accompanies every shipment, attesting to the chemical consistency of our product which is critical for the medications in these syringes.
