Glass Tubing for Cartridges | Pharmaceutical Tubing | Corning

Glass Tubing for Cartridges

Glass Tubing for Cartridges

玻璃的墨盒是圆的容器s that combine with a pen dispensing system for the injection of insulin, dental anesthetics, and or other medicines. Cartridge pen systems can be reusable by replacing the glass cartridge after injection which can allow for easy at-home use by patients. Type I borosilicate glass is the raw material of choice for the cylinders in pen cartridge systems because of the stability required to store these medicines safely. Glass Penn Cartridge systems are covered in ISO 13926-1 and 11040-1.

康宁® 51 Tubing serves as a dependable raw material for glass cylinders in cartridge systems, offering precision and consistency. Glass cartridge cylinders require exact internal dimensions and Corning has the measurement systems in place to produce tubing with internal diameter tolerances as controlled to +/- 0.09mm. Corning® 51 tubing for glass cartridges have been qualified by all leading manufactures in numerous ISO standard sizes. A Certificate of Conformance accompanies every shipment, attesting to the chemical consistency of our product which is critical for the medications in these glass cartridge systems.

Common Cartridge Applications
