
从合适的公司选择合适的实验室设备可能很困难。对于可能导致交货延迟的潜在供应链问题尤其如此。在这段视频中,实验室解决方案总监David Cox分享了康宁生命科学在为现代实验室选择实验室设备时需要考虑的一些重要事项,以及如何寻找供应商以确保良好的客户服务和售后服务。了解需要考虑的关键领域,包括何时开始采购研究、了解总拥有成本以及在COVID大流行期间减少高接触表面。


大卫·考克斯:最近获得实验室设备和消耗品很困难,生命科学行业也未能幸免于我们在全球范围内看到的供应链挑战。因此,作为制造商,我们与供应链合作伙伴密切合作,及时获取原材料以满足客户需求。但是,尽管我们的供应链团队和我们的制造团队合作伙伴尽了最大的努力,我们仍然有一些短缺,我们预计将持续到2022年。为了缓解这种情况,我们一直在积极扩大生产能力,并制定保留劳动力的计划,以便当这些原材料出现时,我们能够尽快将其转化为客户需要的产品。实验室应该从几个不同的角度考虑他们购买实验室设备的计划。有一个时机的角度。从这个角度来看,考虑到我们所看到的供应链限制,我认为那些考虑更换或更新实验室设备的客户,更早地联系他们的销售代表,询问产品的可用性,甚至考虑比平时更早地下订单,这一点非常重要。如果他们在寻找产品方面面临挑战,也许他们将不得不与其他渠道合作伙伴联系,甚至直接与设备供应商联系,寻找其他途径来获得他们需要的产品。从产品选择的角度来看,重要的是不仅要考虑设备的价格,还要考虑总拥有成本,供应商的声誉,以及供应商在购买产品后为您提供的支持。制造商有时会提供类似的产品,消费者很难区分。 So, I would recommend considering four aspects before making a purchase. The first aspect would be product specifications. Consumables and equipment that perform the same function often have pretty different specifications. And it's really worth considering what are the specific needs of your lab, and how do those specifications match those needs. The second consideration is the footprint that the piece of equipment is going to take in your lab. Lab bench space is always at a premium, so it really makes sense to think about where exactly that piece of equipment is going to go and how it's going to fit. The third consideration that is really new in the COVID area is limiting the usage of high-touch surfaces. So, recently we've seen that personal or bench top equipment are becoming more popular in labs that are trying to limit the number of people that are touching high-touch areas and shared equipment. The fourth aspect to consider is compatibility of consumables. There are many suppliers of consumables in the market, but only the suppliers of the consumables and the equipment can ensure compatibility of the whole system. Take for example, the pipettors and pipet tips, all Corning pipettors are calibrated for Corning pipet tips, and we guarantee the accuracy of the system in individual certificates of quality.



