Services | Life Sciences | Corning

Overcome virtually any product development, testing, and manufacturing challenge by partnering with Corning's experts to develop customized solutions that help put your organization on the fast track to success.

Confidence. Capabilities. Corning Custom Solutions

Choose Corning as your partner, and you've got instant access to highly specialized expertise to strengthen your in-house capabilities, resolve complex challenges, and fast-track your success. Corning Custom Solutions include:

Custom Manufacturing Technologies:Our OEM team can partner with you from product concept through full-scale manufacturing. At every step, we utilize rigorous project management systems coupled with structured processes, bringing in our corporate development/engineering resources and external partners as required to meet your specific needs. Core competencies include:

• Plastics processing
• Glass fabrication
• Bonding and joining
• Clean room technologies
• Plastic surface modifications (dry and wet)
• Materials packaging and design
• Metrology and testing
• Product design and modeling
• Process development and engineering

Corning GentestSMContract Research Services:Our ADME Study Directors stand ready to become an extension of your team—or your virtual partner—to help strengthen your ability to meet your drug discovery and pre-clinical goals. Corning Study Directors are knowledgeable in ADME research and stay current with rapidly changing technological and regulatory developments.

Corning Epic®发现服务:Get easy, cost-effective access to our highly effective label-free detection technology. We can perform label-free assays for your organization, providing proof of concept, full assay development, and screening-ready protocols, among other key services as needed.

Corning Label-free Cellular Profiling Services:This Epic Discovery service can help you find hidden compound activities and unforeseen pathway activities, furthering your ability to identify both novel pharmacology and off-target effects for high-value compounds.

Custom Bar Coding for High Throughput Screening:In addition to a wide variety of standard bar coding options, we can design and implement a custom bar code to meet exact specifications. This is an ideal option if you use a large volume of microplates and need to streamline sample processing. We also can provide bar code label test samples early in your project to confirm decodability and ensure optimal performance when you are ready to run a full screen. And rest assured; our bar code labels have been quality tested for optimal readability, chemical resistance, and temperature variation.

Custom Coating:CorningBioCoat™offers a broad range of surfaces pre-coated on a variety of vessels. Don’t see a specific Corning labware product with the particular surface coating you need? Talk to Corning to see if we can develop a customized coating solution that meets your budget constraints and technical specifications.

Corning Custom Solutions

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Corning Custom Solutions

Featured Products, Resources, and More

Drug Discovery

Drug Discovery Screening

Drug discovery screening requires making choices that can affect the success of your business long into the future. With the right information, you'll know you're proceeding on a viable path.

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Technical Resources

Technical Resources

We provide a range of technical materials (e.g., application notes, bulletins, instruction manuals, and selection and use guides) that support our products and key applications.

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