Human Rights Policy

At Corning, we:

  • Respect and support human rights as set out in the ten principles of theUN Global Compact.
  • Expect our employees and contractors to comply with this policy, in the context and spirit of Corning’sValuesandCode of Conduct, and we seek to work with third parties who support our approach and standards.
  • Comply with applicable laws that support human rights wherever we operate. Where our policy goes further than local laws, we’ll operate to our policy. If our policy conflicts with local law, we’ll follow local law while trying as far as possible to act in accordance with the spirit of our policy.
  • Are committed to providing a fair, safe and healthy working environment for our employees that is free from unlawful discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimization.
  • Do not tolerate or support the use of child labor, forced or compulsory labor in our operations.
  • Respect and support the right of employees to establish, join or not join trade unions or other associations, and we recognize any local rights to collective bargaining.
  • Are committed to being an inclusive employer, promoting and valuing diversity within our workforce, among our customers, suppliers and in the communities in which we operate.
  • Care about the way our suppliers do business, and we will work with them to continuously improve. OurSupplier Code of Conductoutlines our expectations in the areas of labor and human rights, as well as health and safety, environment, ethical dealings and supply chain diversity.
  • Do not tolerate bribery and corruption in any form. Bribes, pay-offs, facilitation payments, secret, unjustified or inflated commissions, kick-backs and any like payments are strictly prohibited.

Employees who suspect any behavior which is inconsistent with this policy should follow the reporting procedures in Corning’sCode of Conduct. Corning strictly prohibits any form of retaliation for good faith reports, as described in ourCode of ConductandWhistleblower Policy.
