Air Liquid Interface (ALI) Models: A Collection of Application Notes | E-Book | Corning

Because it exposes one side of the culture to liquid media and surrounds the other with air, Air-liquid Interface (ALI) is ideal for studying respiratory tract epithelial cells, which interact with both liquid and air. Corning is pleased to offer a collection of ALI citations and articles to support powerful,in vivostudies.

Download this e-book to read the following application notes:

  • A Powerful Tool for the Study of Airway Biology: Human Tracheobronchial Epithelial Model Grown at the Air-liquid Interface
  • 东莞t of an Air-Liquid Interface Model using Primary Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells and HTS Transwell®-24 Permeable Supports from Corning
  • Human Airway Epithelial Cell Culture and COVID-19 Research

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