有限公司rning® Cell Counter | Automated Cell Counter | Corning

Time-saving Technology using the Power of the Cloud

For years, the choice between manual and automated cell counting has been a difficult one. Manual cell counting can be accurate, but time-consuming and user-dependent. Automated cell counting is much faster and less user-dependent, but the cost of disposable counting slides can be an issue. A tough choice, but now there is an affordable solution.

The Corning Cell Counter is the first automated cell counter that combines the best of both worlds. It is:

  • Evolving – periodic, seamless upgrades, added features, and improved functionality.
  • Accurate – thanks to its cloud-based machine learning algorithm.
  • Improved resolution – ability to accurately count as small as 4 µm (e.g., PBMC).
  • Low-cost – works with common reusable glass hemocytometers. No consumables required.
  • Fast – thanks to its online image processing.

Other Advantages

Easy to use– The Cell Counter is easy to use. Simply connect the Cell Counter to your computer or tablet and start the CytoSMART Cloud App. Place the loaded counting chamber on the stage. Focus on your cells and press the Count button. The simplicity of the Cell Counter allows anyone working in your lab to easily count cells without the need of extensive training.

Accessible Data Anywhere, Anytime– With the Corning Cell Counter summary reports are instantly generated with every count; exportable on your computer and automatically saved to the CytoSMART Cloud, enabling you to access the analyzed images and cell counts remotely on your smartphone, tablet, or computer without running out of storage space. Since all data is saved in the CytoSMART Cloud, you can gain insight into the health and quality of your cell culture from one experiment to the next by batch exporting all the counts in your specific research experiment.

Requirements to use Corning Cell Counter:

  • Windows 10平板电脑或PC
  • High speed internet/cloud access
  • USB 3.0 Port
  • Mammalian cells 4 to 70 μm
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Organoid Counting Software

Organoid Counting Software

Engineered to account for complex shapes and sizes, the organoid counting software introduces two versions of the 3D counting algorithm.

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Analyzing 3D Cell Culture

Analyzing 3D Cell Culture

The Corning Cell Counter can rapidly capture concentration and surface area data of 3D objects by adding the Organoid Counting software extension.

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Autofocus Functionality for Mammalian Cells Counts

Autofocus Functionality for Mammalian Cells Counts

In this experiment, three samples of each type of cells were sampled using the Corning Cell Counter‘s autofocus and manual focus.

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10 Most Common Cell Counting Errors

10 Most Common Cell Counting Errors

Manual cell counting is straightforward and fairly inexpensive; however, mistakes are easy to make.

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5 Tips for Better Cell Counting

5 Tips for Better Cell Counting

After reading this, you should be able to count your cells quicker and obtain better results from your experiments.

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Automated Cell Counters: Open vs. Closed Systems

Automated Cell Counters: Open vs. Closed Systems

In order to determine the best automated cell counter strategy, a potential operator must understand the advantages of both a closed and an open system.

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Trypan Blue Dilution Calculation and Histogram Gating for Corning Cell Counter Application Note

Trypan Blue Dilution Calculation and Histogram Gating for Corning Cell Counter Application Note

Two new features have been added to the Corning Cell Counter: The first allows you to select the Trypan blue dilution used and corrects the cell concentration(s) for the dilution used; the second is histogram gating.

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