康宁® Advanced-Flow™ Reactors Eighth Annual Corning Reactor Technology Conference | Advanced-Flow™ Reactor (AFR) Technology for Flow Chemistry Solutions | Corning

CHANGZHOU, CHINA – Experts from the chemical processing industry recently gathered at the eighth Corning Reactor Technology Annual Conference to discuss continuous flow reactor and application technologies. This year’s focus was integrated continuous manufacturing platforms of lab and production scales via inherently safer flow process units, including micro-reactors, micro-separators, and online analytic tools.

More than 600 professionals from the pharmaceutical, fine, and specialty chemical processing industries, as well as universities and government agencies attended the eighth Corning Reactor Technology Annual Conference.

More than 600 professionals representing 300 companies from the pharmaceutical, fine, and specialty chemical processing industries, as well as universities and government agencies attended the event.

Dr. Yi Jiang, business director, Corning® Advanced-Flow™ reactors (AFR) and Innovation Officer Corning Greater China gave a detailed introduction of AFR’s new Integrated Flow Chemistry Synthesis (FCS) system utilizing the Lab Reactor and G1 reactor. He also showcased Zaiput Flow Technologies’ micro-separator, and Magritek’s online Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) system, which significantly improves the development efficiency of chemical processes.

During his remarks, Yi highlighted that “micro-reactors have been viewed as inherently safer than conventional batch reactors due to their small volume of chemical holdup; however, flow reactors intensify reactor conditions, resulting in the need for superior material performance, parts integrity, and overall higher quality system design.”

That’s where AFR comes in. “After a dozen years of innovation and continuous system improvement, AFR technology can bring much broader experience, expertise, and high-quality products to customers all over the world,” Yi said. “We are excited to be a leading player in this new era of inherently safer chemical processing technology.”

The conference also featured plenary talks from ten distinguished industry, academia and government leaders, which attracted a large body of participants interested in learning about the latest research and technology applications, as well as government initiatives. The following day, more than 300 attendees had the opportunity to participate in a half-day AFR training to experience Corning’s reactor technology first-hand.

First Annual Award Presented

In addition to presenting at the conference,麻省理工学院(MIT)教授sor Klavs Jensen was awarded the Corning International Prize for Outstanding Work in Continuous Flow Reactors and Chemistry for a Greener and Safer World. Since 2009, Professor Jensen and his team have made significant advances in academia in the field of micro-reactor and flow chemistry by using Corning AFR technology.

“The outstanding work done by Professor Jensen and his reach group has inspired Corning, but perhaps more importantly, their work is inspiring the next generation of engineers and researchers, and introducing them to this disruptive technology and process,” Yi said.

Opening of the Corning Reactor Technology Center’s New Site

The day before the annual conference began, Corning celebrated the opening of the Corning Reactor Technology Center China (CRTC), a new site in Changzhou’s Science & Education City, as well as the opening of the Changzhou Branch of Corning’s Regional Headquarters.

Li Fang, president and general manager of Corning Greater China, delivered opening remarks while Marty Curran, executive vice president and Corning innovation officer, as well as Changzhou municipal leaders and strategic partners all recognized AFR’s dedication to innovation and contributions to China’s green development.

“Since entering the Chinese market in 2010, AFR technology has grown steadily and continues to gain traction as an Inherently Safer Technology in the pharmaceutical and chemical processing industries,” Marty said. “And this new site will further these efforts by providing the AFR team with more space to grow as they continue to build new and lasting relationships with customers.”

Marty noted that this opportunity for growth “is particularly important in China, where the demand for continuous-flow manufacturing is becoming stronger as a result of new government initiatives on fine chemical risk assessment and safety regulations. AFR technology is proving to be an effective solution for addressing safety challenges in the region and around the world.”
