蜂窝网络解决方案 | 光通信 | 康宁

Excellent Cellular Coverage, Capacity, & Services

Excellent Cellular Coverage, Capacity, & Services

The need for reliable, in-building cellular coverage has never been greater. So how do you cost-effectively, and quickly, improve cellular connectivity and capacity inside your venue?

Corning’s in-building cellular solutions portfolio meets a broad array of design scenarios and mitigates RF propagation challenges efficiently and effectively. The portfolio includes both single-operator and multi-operator (neutral host) solutions to deliver a variety of services in use by operators today, as well as a variety of frequency bands.

Our in-building cellular solutions, including modular LTE and 5Gsmall cellsand 5G testeddistributed antenna systems (DAS)come with a small equipment footprint, have a low impact in power consumption and space requirements, and easily expand to support added carriers and bands. Differentiated management software provides end-to-end remote monitoring and enhanced system performance and serviceability, with advanced features that simplify set up, commissioning, and management.

Corning’s family of cellular products supports buildings from 10,000 square feet up to the largest stadium. If the requirement is a single operator small cell system or a DAS driven by OEM macro base stations, we have you covered.

Operators can offer Corning solutions to key enterprise customers or those same customers can directly purchase operator approved systems via Corning’s channel partners. Two of the three major United States mobile operators along with other Tier-1 global operator groups have approved the Corning SpiderCloud Enterprise Radio Access (E-RAN) small cell system. Additionally, the Corning ONE DAS is a proven performer in the largest and most demanding sports venues in the world.

Indoor Cellular Drivers

  • Enterprise mobility has gone from nice-to-have to mission-critical.
  • 80% of cellular usage is indoors.
  • Demand for mobile data is increasing, operator revenue is not.
  • An Indoor LTE and 5G coverage solution must have Wi-Fi like economics.
  • A 5G indoor cellular solution requires horizontal fiber, “Inside-the-building” signal delivery, and dense array of radios on each floor.
  • Enterprise executives are expecting to see the 5G service indicator on their smartphone.

Get Started Today!



在过去几年中,关于物联网 (IoT) 的文章很多,讨论了附加设备数量的爆炸性增长预测及其将给全球业务带来的预期价值。单单增长预测就令人震惊。从本文的图表中可以看出,从 2018 到 2019 年,全球的物联网设备数量增长为 35.2 亿台。

到 2020 年,物联网将包含超过 300 亿台连接设备。了解这些变化将如何影响您的网络。




在智能建筑的讨论中,部署网络基础设施以提高智能设备对建筑物的智能以及提供持久的有线/无线网络的好处得到了很好的解释。然而,对于任何没有实际租赁或经营商业地产 (CRE) 的人来说,有一个维度是一个盲点。此维度需要独立于租户为自己的业务运营构建的任何内容的主干和通信基础架构。此讨论也适用于企业拥有的架构,而不仅仅是商业地产。


不要等待 5G

不要等待 5G

在"4G/5G 时代"中,许多企业可能适合长期使用 LTE,不需要额外的 5G 功能。这并不意味着 LTE 最终不会被 5G 取代,它的意思是,对单个网络的融合将发生得更慢,因为 LTE 不会像智能手机出现时的 3G 那样在负载下崩溃。LTE 将与 5G 一起悄然共存,并在未来一段时间内支持我们的需求。


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