Network Solutions for Commercial Real Estate

The Foundation for Future Smart Building Connectivity

Reliable connectivity has become the expectation in our increasingly connected world – it’s classified as a “fourth utility” for many commercial real estate professionals who consider it as crucial to their employees and clients as electricity, water, and HVAC. As emerging trends like 5G rollouts, Internet of Things (IoT), smart buildings require increased performance from LAN and building system networks, building owners will have to reimagine their networks to remain competitive.

That’s why Corning offers total infrastructure solutions for your LAN, cellular and building system networks that provide unparalleled scalability and flexibility now and for future demands. Our flexible, future-ready fiber solutions allow commercial real estate managers to build high-quality networks that support multiple in-building applications – including cellular, Wi-Fi, BMS, LAN, security, and other IP-based services – while avoiding the costly, disruptive rip-and-replace cycles often associated with copper-based systems.

Corning’s in-building network solutions allow building owners to address today’s communications needs and lay a fiber-based foundation for future connectivity that lasts the life of a building – with no ripping and replacing of outgrown cabling required.

Ready to differentiate your commercial property with competitive connectivity? Get started by exploring below.

Resources and Solution Stories

Forward-Thinking Connectivity

Forward-Thinking Connectivity

Learn how a real estate developer met tenant requirements for more reliable cellular coverage and high-speed connectivity while also delivering operational and capital cost savings to key stakeholders.

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Skyscraper with a need for everything

Skyscraper with a need for everything

How would you respond if challenged to design a network for a “100-year building” with a wireless-first environment and seamless mobility? Learn how an IT director delivered the ultimate user experience with a customized Corning next-gen LAN solution.

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The Race to 5G Starts Now

The Race to 5G Starts Now

Tenants are choosing buildings based on their connectivity – and the launch of 5G networks that offer greater bandwidth and faster download times will only accelerate this trend. Learn more about what CRE developers can do now to be ready to support 5G infrastructure.

Learn more in this article published on BISNOW, March 2019.

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CRE Needs a Backbone

CRE Needs a Backbone

Learn how owner-controlled infrastructure can minimize network disruption, limit expensive future upgrades and lay the groundwork for access to the virtually unlimited bandwidth tenants are seeking.

Learn more in this article pulsihed in Connected Realestate - Spring 2019

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Want more information?

We are here to help you with any questions about your in-building network. Contact us below and one of our representatives will be in touch.

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