Is your network ready for what’s next?

Every day brings new technology breakthroughs. Is your network ready to meet changing customer expectations? Evolving your network to stay ahead of growing demand can be a challenge, but we’re here to support you every step of the way. Our experts can help you create a clear copper-to-fiber migration strategy, and help you see it through, to put you on a path to long-term success.

Fiber Optics

Fiber Optics

have significant operational advantages over copper networks, including …

Low Attenuation

Signal loss, or attenuation, for copper cables is far more significant than fiber optics, with copper losing 94% of its signal strength over 100 meters vs.3% for fiber

Virtually No Cross Talk

Cross talk and other noise interference factors like EMI/RFIimpact copper and degrade performance, butfiber is virtually immune to them

Nearly Untappable

Copper cables can be tapped easily, posing security risks, while it’salmost impossible to tap fiber

More Resilient

Fiberis more resilient than copper and providespull strength of 100 to 200 poundscompared to 25 pounds for copper


A2 mm diameter optical fiberwould be strong enough tosupport the weight of a car


Asingle strand of fiberis40,000x clearer than a diamond

Field Tested

Over1 billion km of optical fiberhave beendeployed, enough to travel around the world 25,000x

Evolve your network, transform the world.

High Quality Ultra-Broadband

High Quality Ultra-Broadband

is required in today’s competitive broadband market, and broadband service providers who deliver it efficiently position themselves for long-term success …

Economy of Scale

Fiber broadbandis on the rise globally, up23% between 2017 and 2018, while copper broadband is in decline, down 7%, with significant economyof- scale implications for broadband providers

Reduced Opex

Reducing OpEx is critical for any service provider, givenOpEx can in some cases make up 85% of the total cost of ownershipfor an access network

Higher Revenue

One study foundFTTH average revenue per user (ARPU)is46% higher than DSL ARPU

Fiber Infrastructure

Fiber Infrastructure

brings more to the table than just lower operating costs … much more. When compared with other access technologies, fiber helps prepare a community for the future.

Smart Cities

The presence of fiber infrastructure is critical for important smart city and 5G initiatives. In communities with fewer than 50K residents, smart city initiatives were present nearly 50% of the time when fiber infrastructure is present, vs. only 5% when no fiber is present

Smart Growth

5G will fuel significant economic growth, and communitiesthat lack it will be at a disadvantage.Fiber-fed small cells help form the backbone of 5G,and 60% of communities who have FTTH deployed are already deploying small cells today, compared to only 33% of communities where no FTTH is deployed

Smart Grid

FTTH powers the smart grid, providing tremendous benefits to a community. EPB of Chattanooga powers its smart grid off of a FTTH deployment and has seen a50% reduction in power outages, saving its membership $50M per year

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