康宁and ENERGY STAR | Sustainability | Corning

康宁's achievements

  • 10

    ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year awards

  • 8

    Sustained Excellence award designations

  • 56

    Challenge for Industry achievements

Cultivating An Important Relationship

Cultivating An Important Relationship

康宁and ENERGY STAR work together to preserve resources, spread awareness

Since its launch in 2006, Corning'sGlobal Energy Management (GEM)team has worked with ENERGY STAR® to implement effective energy-saving initiatives, and to help other companies and individuals save resources. Corning achieved theENERGY STAR® Partner of the Yearaward 2014-2015, and the Sustained Excellence designation of the award 2016-2023.

Partner of the Year is theU.S. Environmental Protection Agency'shighest recognition, one which Corning is honored to share with some of the world's most energy-conscious companies. The Sustained Excellence designation of the award is reserved for companies achieving Partner of the Year several years in a row, and for those making constant improvements to their energy management programs.

In addition, several Corning facilities have achieved theENERGY STAR Challenge for Industry, which asks industrial sites to reduce energy intensity by 10 percent within five years. In 2016, Corning's Concord, North Carolina, site hosted the world's first ENERGY STAR Challenge for Industry Showcase event to celebrate its achievement, with several other domestic and international Corning achievers following with their own Showcases.

康宁deeply values its partnership with the EPA and ENERGY STAR, and is proud to help the efforts to protect our world and its resources.