Low Retention Filtration Systems | Filtration Solutions | Corning

Reduce hold-up volume and maximize throughput to help support and create an optimal environment for healthy cells.

Filtration Solutions


在过滤过程中,所有系统tems retain some liquid that cannot be recovered—also known as “hold-up” volume. The larger the hold-up volume, the more media and reagents are lost. With Corning® low retention filtration systems—shown to offer the lowest hold-up volume of all major brands—you'll reduce waste every time you filter.


Applying Science to Life

Cancer Research

Cancer Research

Cancer Research

Scientific advances in cancer cell biology are changing the paradigm in oncology cell culture research, with Corning® cell culture solutions and filtration systems an integral part of the mix.

Scientific advances in cancer cell biology are changing the paradigm in oncology cell culture research, with Corning® cell culture solutions and filtration systems an integral part of the mix.

Cell Growth and Differentiation

Cell Growth and Differentiation

Cell Growth and Differentiation

See how you can improve cell growth and differentiation by creating systems that most closely resemble in-vivo-like conditions.

See how you can improve cell growth and differentiation by creating systems that most closely resemble in-vivo-like conditions.

Stem Cell Biology

Stem Cell Biology

Stem Cell Biology

Using a defined, serum-free medium with the right surface is a key part of the human stem cell culturing process.

Using a defined, serum-free medium with the right surface is a key part of the human stem cell culturing process.

How to Choose & How to Buy

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