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康宁’s Fibrance Technology Glows Bright with Japanese Rock Stars

An event in Tokyo was aglow recently thanks in part to Corning’sFibrance™ Light-Diffusing Fiber.

More than 1,200 people gathered at a special cultural event hosted by the popular Japanese rock-electronic band, Sakanaction. In addition to live music, the gathering showcased culture, technology, and art exhibits, including an installation with Fibrance technology.

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For Sleek Interiors, Glass Laminates Are A Cut Above

Why is today’s super-slim glass grabbing the enthusiastic attention of contemporary kitchen and bathroom designers?

The latest installment in Corning’s “Inspired by Glass” video series answers that question by showing how laminates made with ultra-slim glass can be precisely cut and contoured right at the work site.

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'Realizing the Vision' of a World Inspired by Glass

Glass is at the heart of some of the most spectacular innovations shaping the modern world – and Corning continues to lead the conversation among top companies bringing those inventions to life.

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Glasslab: All the World’s a Stage for Designers and Glassmakers

What if some of the world’s most innovative designers joined forces with skilled glassmakers to transform concept sketches into glass prototypes? What if they could come together anywhere in the world in a portable, state-of-the-art laboratory? Better yet, what if the public could watch and marvel at the creativity unfolding before their eyes?

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Drawing on Glass Propels Artist Into New Worlds of Expression

Gregory Euclide’s ink drawings hover almost imperceptibly above the canvas on which he creates them.

The artist might choose to save what he’s drawn, but he’s also just as likely to swipe it away, distort it with sprays of water, or let inky rivulets trickle across his painstaking work as he tilts the drawing on its side.

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Museum Expands to Create a New Experience with Glass

Imagine standing in a bright, clean space. A space that is filled with natural light and beautiful works of art in glass. This is an “ephemeral space in which objects can live,” and it is all coming together with an expansion at the康宁Museum of Glass.

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When Art and Science Converge

A musician has just discovered a new chord.

This is how Albert Paley feels while working with specialty glass. Albert, an American sculptor who works primarily with metal, has spent more than 40 years creating a prolific body of work that includes large-scale pieces such as the Portal Gates for the Renwick Gallery of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.

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Glass Surfaces for Creative Writing and Graphic Art

Office marker boards have been used to capture creative workplace plans and inspirational ideas for decades. But with glass-covered marker boards hitting the market – and coupled with other new innovative ways glass is being used for writing and drawing – creative expression is moving to a whole new level.

Regular users of glass marker boards find the sleek, clean surface inspirational. Markers slide effortlessly over the pristine surface, with no drag or pull – a perfect complement to an atmosphere with free-flowing ideas.

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Glass Heroes

They are visionaries… pioneers… renegades. They are scientists… artists… innovators. Through glass, they see possibility and create a new reality.

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