康宁and OLEDWorks Announce Winners of OLED Lighting Design Contest

SAN DIEGO, California – Corning is constantly looking at ways to gain an edge in next generation innovations – that’s why we recently partnered withOLED Works LLCon the ‘Lighting without a Bulb Contest’ where contestants were challenged to create unique luminaire designs that are functional, practical, and can be manufactured.

Matthew Boyko, Mike Garner from MSG Lighting, and Sadyr Khabukhayev wererecently announcedas the winners of this contest at a luncheon co-hosted by Corning and OLED Works, which took place as part of the OLED World Summit on Sept. 21. The winners were awarded $10,000 (USD) each for their innovative lighting luminaires – which ranged in design from horizontal lighting arrays, to the integration of OLEDs into triangular storage modules, as well as a creative way to install OLED panels.

活动期间,Chowdhury迪帕克博士,部门vice president and program director within Corning’s Emerging Innovations Group shared with the audience that the judging panel was pleased with the turnout and interest in this contest from the global design community – with a total of 48 submissions received from 17 countries.

“Deciding on the winners was not easy since all of the submissions were exciting, functional, and met the objective of getting designers to think about how to use thin, light, and cool-to-the touch OLED panels in a creative way.” Dipak said. “The three winning submissions were selected because they met all our objectives for the contest.”

In the coming months, Corning and OLEDWorks will make a decision on how to proceed with the winning designs. “We hope to engage with the winners to commercialize the luminaire designs but it will take some time to work through the details,” Dipak said.

In addition to the winning contest designs, Corning and OLEDWorks will continue their development work with flexible and high efficiency OLED panels on Corning® Willow® Glass in hopes of some new, joint product announcements in the coming years.

“We believe by working together, we can bring this technology to market and create a new lighting paradigm for designers,” said Giana Phelan, director of business development at OLEDWorks LLC. “Corning’s expertise with specialty glass, combined with OLEDWorks expertise with OLEDS, as well as our extensive network across the industry, will enable us to advance this technology and realize new design possibilities.”

Scroll down to learn more about each contest winner and their winning designs.

Surface Integrated Socket

Matthew Boyko, Society Creative, USA

This design features a mounting system that incorporates plastic frames and power conduits, enabling a seamless OLED panels integration into multi-panel arrays within a wall. It illustrates how easily installers can mount OLED lighting in spaces like stairwells and recessed areas.

“Corning not only can provide the substrate for the organic matter but has developed an ultra-thin glass with incredible material properties which matches or exceeds composites all at full transparency.” Matthew said, “pursuing this project as a ‘platform’ results in line extensions and derivatives, and also as an alternative strategy for a design contribution.”

Hexy OLED Luminaire

Mike Garner, MSG Lighting, USA

This design features a unique system of suspended luminaries that is based on a hexagonal module that is repeated to fill two-dimensional space. It can be used as a standalone luminaire or can be grouped together to create an overall effect that is not only visually appealing but also very successful in delivering uniform light to the environment.

“Hexy was inspired by architectural structures that are sometimes used to lower the ceiling plane and add visual interest,” Michael said. “Often these structures are site specific and fabricated from wood or other building materials. What if this structure could be based on a simple module incorporating an OLED pane? ‘Hexy’ is the result of that exploration.”


Sadyr Khabukhayev, Izmir Institute of Technology, Kazakhstan

This design features a multifunctional modular system with an idea to create the ultimate user experience and give new dimension to the definition of ‘organic light’. Primarily it is a luminaire designed to help small plants grow healthily indoors. Simultaneously it gives soft ambient light to a space.

“I started the design process by analyzing OLED technology and as soon I read that it stands for ‘organic light-emitting diodes’ – the word ‘organic’ clicked in my head and I decided to go with a theme that focused on nature,” Sadyr said. “As a result, my design concept blends natural and artificial elements and light emitters serve as an extension to plants that they shine on – thanks to the possibilities of OLED technology.”
