康宁HQ Water Conservation Saves Millions Of Gallons | Water Management | Corning

Water Management

Water Management

Water Management

康宁HQ Water Conservation Saves Millions of Gallons

康宁HQ Water Conservation Saves Millions

In 2010, Corning Incorporated embarked on an ambitious water-conservation project, which is still paying off today by allowing the company to conserve approximately 62 million gallons of water every year.

During a 20-week period every summer, Corning’s Headquarters building in Corning, New York, pumps more water than usual through the building to maintain a comfortable temperature.

A modified pipe network project, headed by the Global Energy Management (GEM) team, grew from a company initiative to reduce water consumption by a certain percentage each year. The project also helped Corning align with new controls from the Susquehanna River Basin Commission.

Working with Siemens Building Technologies, Corning was able to reduce its draw of well water by more than 50 percent during that 20-week period every year.

John Shirley, with Corning Business Services Division, said, “This water reduction projects are great examples of how we combine GEM’s energy management efforts with the company’s larger corporate social responsibility endeavors to help make a difference and conserve an important natural resource."
