Future Women at Corning | Diversity | Corning

Future Women at Corning

Future Women at Corning

Future Women at Corning

Just as we're proud of our more than 165-year history of empowering women, we're proud of the initiatives and programs we put in place to grow and foster women at Corning. This is done through engaging with future generations of women to support and inspire them to become leaders in the workplace through career planning days and Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) education programs.

Continue reading about a few of Corning’s programs and initiatives designed to continue growing the footprint of women in the workplace.

Other Initiatives to Develop Future Women at Corning

Other Initiatives at Corning

STEM Initiatives

Innovation is at the heart of Corning. And while innovation sparks from many places, the STEM field is a critical area for the company. To ensure Corning is fostering a talented, qualified future workforce, the company supports STEM education and other initiatives. By providing internships in science and technology, offering instructional resources to local school districts, volunteering as instructors, and hosting STEM-related activities, Corning shows its dedication to building a pipeline of employees who embrace innovation and create life-changing technologies.

CHOICES Career Planning Day

In an effort to help young women begin to consider their career options, Corning’s CHOICES program hosts a day for local middle school girls to visit and take part in workshops and conversations about what future job they might one day have. Participating in mock interviews and career planning situations, the students gain exposure to numerous fields such as security, robotics, media, finance, legal, culinary services, and 3D printing.
