Corning Technology Day 2022 Discusses Economic Vulnerabilities in the Post-Pandemic World

Corning Technology Day 2022 Discusses Economic Vulnerabilities in the Post-Pandemic World

Corning Technology Day 2022 Discusses Economic Vulnerabilities in the Post-Pandemic World

Corning Technology Day in Jakarta, Indonesia, returned after a three-year break, hosting more than 100 customers from Enterprise Network, Carrier Network, Optical Fiber, Life Sciences and Gorilla Glass. Customers learned about Corning's innovation with technologies on display – even products beyond their own industries. The goal of Corning Technology Day is to uncover, break down, and discuss solutions for the economic vulnerabilities of our post-pandemic world.

News anchor Andini Effendi moderated a panel discussion on the issue of Indonesia's economic optimism. Panelists were reputable key opinion leaders: Gita Wirjawan, president commissioner, Hypefast, and former Minister of Trade; Faisal Basri, macro economist; and Setiawan Djodi, SETGO Group CEO and celebrity entrepreneur. They discussed current business challenges, disruptions, government policies, and solutions needed to navigate this time of high-inflationary pressure and global supply chain complications.

"The Corning Technology Day was such a rewarding event," Dr. Andri Wardiana, National Research and Innovation Agency, said. "It gave me and my team the Life Sciences product's knowledge that was really useful for our ongoing research. The Corning Life Sciences team also provided samples and application notes that helped support and speed up my research."

Corning commercial and engineering teams presented Corning's various technologies and solutions while addressing burning questions from guests. This provided the perfect platform for targeted customer engagement while generating new leads and opportunities to deliver future revenue growth.

"It's good to be present in such a high-dynamic region in emerging markets with high potential growth like Indonesia," said Gökhan Doran, division vice president and general manager, Corning International. "Our recent decision to enhance our company capability in Indonesia is a sign of our commitment to serve our customers here."
