Corning Singapore uses glass to reinforce sustainability efforts

Corning Singapore uses glass to reinforce sustainability efforts

In Southeast Asia, Corning structures its corporate social responsibility initiatives into three pillars – giving, sustainability and being. This is especially important in light of worsening climate change and economic insecurities around the world, which was why Corning Singapore embarked onSustaining Irregularities: Glass Mosaic Medley, a company-wide activity that reinforces the importance of these pillars.


联合国声明d 2022 as the International Year of Glass (IYOG), a year that aims to celebrate the essential role that glass has in our society in achieving a more equitable and sustainable world. As Corning has an expertise in glass science, Corning Singapore leveraged on this by participating in a glass mosaic making workshop held byAnjali Venkat, a glass artist experienced in different glass working techniques.

Prior to the workshop, employees were encouraged to recycle their used, colored glass bottles which would later be deconstructed into small, irregular sized pieces of glass that could be added onto the final piece. This was symbolic as it represented Corning Singapore’s drive to promote greener practices both at work and at home; by using irregularly shaped glass, it emphasizes the fragile state of our environment.


Beyond the environment, Corning Singapore wanted to focus on The Individual – one of Corning’s seven values. This was why the theme for the artwork was “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion” and all the employees worked hard to incorporate that into their pieces.Sustaining Irregularitieswas also co-opted as a challenge for the Corning Wellness Challenge 2022 – Corning’s main fundraising activity - where colleagues could select from a series of activities (sports, cultural or arts) to complete in their own time.


In total, the employees created seven different unique pieces of glass mosaic which were later grouted by Anjali for a smooth and clean finish. Upon its completion, Corning Singapore held an internal auction where the artwork would go to the highest bidder. All the funds raised will be donated to theNee Soon South Community Development Welfare Fund ElderCare Adult Diaperprogram.
