Display Glass Technology | Thin-Film Transistor (TFT) Liquid Display Glass Substrate Technology | Corning

康宁's display glass technology helps
solve some of the industry's most complex challenges.

Our Display Glass Substrates

康宁® EAGLE XG® Slim Glass

康宁® EAGLE XG® Slim Glass

Our flagship glass, available in a wide variety of form factors, including exceptionally thin and large-size sheets

Our flagship glass, available in a wide variety of form factors, including exceptionally thin and large-size sheets

康宁® Astra™ Glass

康宁® Astra™ Glass

康宁® Astra™ Glass

Our stellar innovation, balanced to accommodate high resolution across a broad range of processing temperatures

Our stellar innovation, balanced to accommodate high resolution across a broad range of processing temperatures

康宁Lotus™ NXT Glass

康宁Lotus™ NXT Glass

康宁Lotus™ NXT Glass

Our premium glass with leading TPV for the most demanding processing requirements

Our premium glass with leading TPV for the most demanding processing requirements

We are perfecting the art of interaction.

康宁is advancing the way we interact, work, learn, and live. Displays connect us and power some of our most meaningful interactions. We helped advance the display industry from the days of the cathode ray tube to the LCD glass that made flat screens commonplace. And together with our customers, we are ready to enable the lifelike, useful, and beautiful displays of the future.

Recent News

康宁® Astra™ Glass Chosen for CCPD’s Oxide-LCD Line

康宁® Astra™ Glass Chosen for CCPD’s Oxide-TFT-LCD Line

One of the industry’s leading oxide panel makers selected Astra Glass as its backplane glass substrate because it has the inherent fidelity to thrive in high-temperature oxide-TFT glass fabrication for immersive high-performance displays.

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康宁® Astra™ Glass Chosen for Samsung Display’s Quantum Dot Displays

康宁® Astra™ Glass Chosen for Samsung Display’s Quantum Dot Displays

康宁and Samsung Display build upon nearly half a century of collaborative innovation to advance emerging display technologies

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Glass plays a role on your electronic device from the inside out.
